Saturday 22 January 2011

how to delete calendar and contacts databases from windows mobile without (hard) reset

Windows mobile 5 & 6 are the most unstable mobile system. Windows mobile 7 is not a mobile system anymore... it is firmware for mobile phone devices. In the time I write these lines, it doesn't  support even the copy paste "feature" and it doesn't sync with pc computer (tada)!!! The most impressive is the fast reaction of menus... because all of these it is a simple (and poor) mobile phone and not mobile system anymore.
The windows pc also system has a lot of problems and ofter you need to immigrate to different computer or change system, format or change msoffice versions... and this crap keeps going on.

solution compatibility
This solution is working only for windows mobile versions 5 to 6.5. For god's sake, do not buy again windows mobile device... the dream is dead... there is no hope to develop something great... the windows mobile 7 is the worst ever version they made!

..the problem
What is happening witn sync??? pretty dirty!!! The poor ms sync cannot match records between your mobile and pc. As result, if you sync your device after a pc immigration you will have at your mobile double records in calendar, in contacts and where ever else you sync data between mobile & pc.

...the solution...
You have to delete the calendar and contacts database from your mobile. But how you may do this??? Microsoft officially doesn't provide utility or someway to delete specific database (i.e. contacts only).

You may do this with SKTools (google it) where great utility where every windows mobile user needs its to repair his/hers failed purchase of windows mobile device (including me!). Read more at the bottom of this post about the SKTools...

Lets do the work...
- Do a soft reset to your device... try to not load and application or quit any application that auto loaded.
- At pda go to -> Start -> SKTools-> Select from the bottom the "Category" view -> From the List select the "All" it is at the bottom -> find the tool called "Databases"... now....
- For each Database you want to delete do the follow steps:
    1. select tapping the database (do not check it)
    2. from the bottom select "Action"
    3. select the 1st option "Empty"
    - for contacts select "Contacts Database"
    - for calendar select "Appoitments Database"
( for other kind of database search by your own, be careful what you select because you may screw up your device at all. in general SKTools is dangerous tool if you do not know what are you doing, because of that use it gently! )

- The Deletion process is finished... precisely... you cannot (and you must not) delete the databases because the system is using them... but you may pretty and legal empty them.
- now you may create new partnership between you mobile and pc and do a sync.

SKTools registration
I suggest you to purchase the SKTools because it is very strong tools with a lot of benefits. We have to support these kind of software houses in order to have these worthy tools. In case now you just want to complete the procedure I describe above here is a way to "register"
        sktools version:
        device id: Dennis (change it for a while)
        serial number: 33595

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