Wednesday 15 August 2012

How to Disable Google Chrome Updates

Google Chrome’s automated update is a double-edged sword. On the plus side, it ensures users have the latest version of the browser: the Chrome 4 update was rolled out to everyone within a matter of weeks. However, many businesses take a more cautious approach. Few are willing to permit large-scale untested software updates, which could cause IT support issues or intranet application failures. IE6?s perseverance within the business world proves that many companies prefer the known risk of an unstable browser over the unknown risk of a shiny modern browser.Companies that have switched to Chrome are likely to define enterprise-wide policies for updates. Google provide an administrative template for Microsoft Windows Group Policy editor.Let’s assume you’re developing a web application for a company that uses Chrome 4 throughout its workplace. The last thing you need is Chrome to magically update to version 5 halfway through the development process. Fortunately, it’s possible to disable the automatic update on all operating systems.


The Group Policy editor may not necessarily be available if you’re disconnected from the company’s network and using Windows XP/Vista Home edition. You must, therefore, tinker with the registry …

Warning:Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
The registry is a dangerous place. You know the drill — neither I or SitePoint accept any responsibility for damage to your PC or your sanity!

Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update
Add a new DWORD value named DisableAutoUpdateChecksCheckboxValue and set it to 1 to disable automatic updates or 0 to re-enable them.
Add a new DWORD value named AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes and set a number of minutes; for example, 1440 for once a day, 10080 for once a week, and so on.

Mac OS

Enter the following commands in the Terminal application.To disable automated updates:

$ defaults write checkInterval 0  \
Change the 0 to a 1 to re-enable updates.To set the update frequency:

$ defaults write checkInterval <frequency>
where <frequency> is the interval in seconds; for example, 86400 for once a day, 604800 for once a week, and so on.


Chrome updates occur via the standard package management system, so be careful when clicking “Yes please” to automated update notifications.

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