ImgBurn is tiny and powerful software to burn any kind of cd or dvd, but in order to use it you must be hacker or at least information technology expert. The big benefit with ImgBurn is that it is free and you are free to use on commercial or business computers.
1. Open the ImgBurn
2. Go to Tools -> Create CUE image
3. Load or drug and drop to this dialog your mp3 or other audio files
4. You may edit some of this settings, like, set the PreGap to 2seconds some this kind of delay between the audio tracks
5. Press ok the and save somewhere the CUE file.
6. From the main menu of ImgBurn, select the button “write image file to disk”
7. Load the CUE file created previously
8. Load an empty disk
9. Press the “burn” button… and follow any other process messages.